MY BAGS / Posts tagged "video"

Kub // Medline « Flying Dervishes »

Une affaire de coupe, d’assemblage plus que de construction de cadre, afin de forger un véritable regard. Psychédélique et envoûtante virée en forêt de Pléchâtel avec le clip de Medline, qui vient accompagner son nouveau morceau, le tout-aussi-barré Flying Dervishes. Un étrange trip...

Une affaire de coupe, d...

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Medline // Power To The People

Composed, played, recorded, mixed, mastered and imaged by the one and only Medline. Cover illustration by Stéphane Carricondo (9e Concept) Dedicated to all the humans seeking for emancipation, self power, knowledge, real democraty, equity, respect, wisdom, peace, freedom, peace, love, understanding...

Composed, played, recorded, mi...

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Medline // When Truth Blasts

Composed, played, recorded, mixed, mastered and imaged by the one and only Medline. Cover illustration by Stéphane Carricondo (9e Concept) Dedicated to all the humans seeking for elevation, awakening, learning, exploration, discoveries, culture, experience, science, wisdom, life of the soul, life of...

Composed, played, recorded, mi...

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