MY BAGS / Mixes  / POW’EM N°8 // Aillacara 2743 « Mizic Creol »

POW’EM N°8 // Aillacara 2743 « Mizic Creol »



My Bags presents POW’EM, a powerfull poem in music mixed by guests friends or My Bags super heroes.

We can find some tropical rarities in little flea markets, lost in the Britanny’s campaign.
Aillacara 2743 always looks for what’s shining among garbage music on vinyl, and manage to find afro, latin, tropical and many creole records, from the West indies: Haïti, Guadeloupe, Martinique, but also the Reunion Island.
All the record played in the mix where found for a very few money, like 1€ per 12″. But the value of the music is higher in dimension. As historical and cultural documents, as source of enjoyment, and plaisure as well. Also as source of inspiration to create the music of tomorow.
« Mizic Creol » is dedicated to the cultural fusion that happened in the tropics around the world, creating a high mestized level of culture, people and traditions.

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